Friday 7 December 2012

Fundamental Four & Four Fundamentals; Medicine & Coffee

Most of the whole post here will be mainly derived from copy-paste -- without paranormal -- activity. This is the combination of information I've gained by more than 2 years being a(n) (always almost failed) medical student and by being a very regular customer of Starbucks Solo Paragon, which I've joined many coffee tasting and thus I've been explained many things about coffee.

Pretty much unrelated but coincidentally the Medical Anamnesis (the process required to obtain every information needed regarding to patients' illness to diagnose the disease they suffer) and Coffee Brewing Process have a common and similar name for their constitutional law of producing the best of work's results. Considering how much the contentment of the customers' (which in medical case, we call them Patients), such a-must-rule should never be forgotten at all, otherwise we will ruin either the patients' health or the taste of coffee; for Doctors and Coffee Brewers, they could mean disastrous tragedy. That's why we indeed must be careful and professional for whatever job-field it is.

So here readers, I've been talking about Fundamental 4 as in Medical Anamnesis and 4 Fundamentals as in Coffee Brewing Methods.
For fellow Medical Students or Medical Doctors, I know how it feels when you find it awkward that our term is not only used by us, especially when you're not really (or at least not yet) coffee lovers. For Barista friends, don't worry if it may seem confusing for you, but believe me: This is important information for you, dear Barista friends, since there are many Medical Doctors don't fulfill their duty as mentioned and obligated in medical procedural ethics; you can demand and even protest to them when you are being examined.

Let me start from the medical term. DON"T GET ME WRONG! I don't mean to prioritize my explanation based on my profession or because I love medicine much more than coffee (oh come on! who will?!). I just happen to think that the boring despite important and "classified" part should be placed before the entertainment, because the same as any fairytale told, happiness comes after so that we'll be "happily ever after".

Fundamental Four
We should ask the patients or their family this related information so that we can make a good diagnose or refer to another specialist.

1. Present Illness
When asking about the present illness, we have to surely take notes the chief complaint in it. Chief complaint is complaint that made patients come to seek doctor help, which will lead the doctors to the source of the evil once after analyzing why they happen because everything happens for (or because of) a reason (or more than one reason sometimes, in medical case).
For example, we can write the chief complaint such as: palpitation, headache, fever, paralyze, tinnitus, chest pain, insomnia, etc.
Make sure you take notes every chief complaint and explore them properly by using sacred seven.
Sacred Seven is part of present illness status. Sacred seven has an important role to make a good decision in giving medication or treatment. It consists of:
- Location
- Quality
- Quantity
- chronology
- Severity
- Onset
- Modifying factor
- Associated symptoms

2. (related) Past Health History
- Child birth (weight, needed resuscitation or not, cry or not, child bearing).
- Growth development (rough motoric development, fine motoric development, language and speech, social adaptation).
- Vaccine history.
- Past (related) illness.
- Nutrition history.
- Past Surgery
There are so many diseases that related to past health history. For example, TBC (tuberculose) in children is one kind of diseases that may not reach full remission. It is caused by bacteria namely Mycobacterium tuberculose; its latent phase makes itself able to appear whenever it wants. Existence of bacteria or other infectious agent is caused by other past health history too.

3. Family Health History
We should ask "Is there infectious disease spread on patient's family?" or "Is there hereditary illness do exist in patient's family?" If we've done asking them about family health history, we can consider causal factor or maybe modifying or comorbid factor of the illness.

4. Personal/Social History
We may ask about interaction of patient's family member each other. Is there any problem? If there happens to be any abuse or violence, we can make a diagnosis for any injury.
(In addition we can also ask about patients' financial issues by giving questions related to their jobs, their residencies, etc.  Expectedly we can adjust the amount of payment or the payment method by using the health insurance kinds).

There it is the explanation of F4 for Medical Anamnesis. Unfortunately we can't find Mr. Fantastic a.k.a. Reed Richards and his wife Invisible Woman a.k.a. Susan Storm, neither we can find the Boyband Asian Stars such as Jerry Yan, Vannes Wu, Vic Zhou, or Ken Zhu in that medical F4. Supposedly less entertaining.

Now let's move forward to something more amusing and relaxing, coffee. It used to be popular only amongst soldiers (before they went into a battle) in the era of Arabic Dynasty long time ago, but now preserved culturally as glamourous lifestyle. We only have to reverse the order of the words, from Fundamental Four to Four Fundamentals.

The 4 Fundamentals
The recipe for a great cup of coffee is broken into four fundamentals: Proportion, Grind, Water and Freshness. Understand and follow the guidelines for each, and you're on your way to brewing a great cup of coffee every time.

  1. Proportion
    Use the right proportion of coffee to water. This is the most important step in making great coffee. For the most flavorful cup of coffee, Starbucks recommends using two tablespoons of ground coffee (10 grams) for each six fluid ounces (180 milliliters) of water. If coffee brewed this way is too strong for your taste, you can add a little hot water to your cup of brewed coffee.
  2. Grind
    The shorter the brewing process, the finer the grind. Different brewing methods have different grind requirements, so grind your coffee for the brewing method you use. The amount of time the coffee and water spend together affects the flavor elements that end up in your cup of coffee, and the design of your coffee maker dictates how long the coffee and water sit in direct contact during the brewing process. For instance, coffee ground for an espresso machine should be very fine, in part because the brew cycle is only 19 to 22 seconds long. But for a coffee press, the coffee should be coarse ground, because the water and coffee are in direct contact for about four minutes.
  3. Water
    Use fresh, cold water heated to just off the boil. A cup of coffee is 98 percent water. Therefore, the water you use to make coffee should taste clean, fresh, and free of impurities. Water heated to just off a boil (195° to 205° F or 90° to 96° C) is perfect for extracting the coffee's full range of flavors. Any cooler and the water can't adequately do the job. Automatic coffee makers heat the water for you. Make sure the machine you use gets the water hot enough.
  4. Freshness
    Use freshly ground coffee. The enemies of coffee are oxygen, light, heat, and moisture. To keep coffee fresh, store it in an opaque, airtight container at room temperature. Storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer for daily use can damage the coffee as warm, moist air condenses to the beans whenever the container is opened. Whole bean coffee stays fresh longer because there is less surface area exposed to oxygen. For the best results, coffee should be ground just before brewing and used or stored immediately 
Don't forget to also decalcify/descale your espresso machine.
Why should I decalcify/descale my espresso machine?
Decalcifying helps to remove mineral buildup from the internal workings of your espresso machine. Mineral buildup can slow down or stop the machine from working. Decalcifying can help ensure better and more consistent espresso. Please note that certain geographies or water systems can increase calcification and may require decalcification more frequently.

To decalcify and clean your espresso machine, you should refer to the specific instructions that originally came with your machine. In general, you can use a commercial espresso machine cleaner to remove the mineral buildup from your machine, and then run 3-4 tanks of fresh water through it to rinse. Disassemble any removable parts for cleaning. Be sure to clean the showerhead screen and portafilter basket, and clear any buildup from the steamwand. Then rinse the machine again with water.

Hence I finish this lovely post. Hopefully everyone can find this information useful for whatever reason you may have. Apparently I've just attempted to associate Health Issue and Coffee as Lifestyle in a whole new point of view, merely by Two Words. Correlated or not, it's none of my business. I give you readers to freely interpret everything on your own.

Speaking of which, I must give credits to:
to have provided information of Fundamental 4 and Sacred 7 in English (which I was too lazy to create my own words of explanation. Copy-Pasting is always preferable). For the author, sorry that I a bit altered your articles there because I should make it suitable not only for Pediatric Medicine, but general (I also tried to make it rather a bit interesting). One thing, please later on pay attention to your (too much and too obvious) grammatical error in your writing *Grammar Nazi*.

and also credits to my favorite Cafe and Coffee Store:,default,pg.html
to have kindly explained all about coffee either in website or via your Barista. Oh, what good could lifestyle be without Starbucks around?

See You in my next post. What else it will be about? I myself also wonder. :D

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