Tuesday 18 December 2012

Dio, Leave AMSA?

What's your soupe de jour? blissfulness, adventure, broken heart, or disappointment?
Whichever it is, each different day always has their own favourite taste. Universe has its own ways to make our life not monotone and not boring.

Another colour and flavour before I end my beloved 2012 in the next couple of days. Shall not we miss this entertainment.

What comes around, goes around. C'est la vie!
After about 1.5 years holding onto the sense of belonging, I've finally decided to finish being a bon vivant in AMSA. Proverb says, we must love those who love us so that we won't get hurt. But I say, Love should be addressed to the worthy ones, so that it won't be wasteful.

Ironically, what finally became the main reason wasn't the very first reason the thought to leave had ever crossed my mind. After about 6 months I had been fed with information about how much corrupt and nepotistic many people in AMSA, mostly those who had authorized power and title in the organisation, by a friend inside, I deliberately made myself hated by almost every persons with carte blanche in the organisation so that I would be kicked out automatically without having to bother myself looking for a way to get out of the radar. Just because it had nothing to do with my life, never it meant I would be okay with the circumstances. I was always strict and will always be. No way I wanted to affiliate myself with any corrupt system. Fortunately, I always am a good manipulator.
I didn't, however, leave AMSA after some thoughts that I could still employ myself in the local scope, AMSA-UNS. Ca ne fait rien, I thought, being active inside only and leaving my glorious day in national.

So what happened to me and AMSA-UNS that made me finally decided to step away?
Long short, I thought those clueless hopeless pessimistic delusional kids could be helped, could be motivated, could finally see the light as they always believed in their Jesus. But well, yeah, I'm not Jesus; neither can I walk on water nor can divide a bread into 1,000 pieces. So in simple summary, they're unhelpable (which it's not even a word). I felt tired to keep helping and taking care of them; on the other hand, all they did was being selfish. Never they tried to grow up; never they changed from very first time their coming to AMSA until now; never they wanted to be initiative despite having been shown so many examples of role models, verbally and realistically by action.
By then, I realized that there's nothing else I could do. Meanwhile, they kept reasoning themselves that their attitude was based on diversity. BITCH PLEASE!! Since when have Selfishness and Ego-Centered become unique traits that should be respected and considered as diversity?

In addition, I also still have Debate to take care of. There, the people are still hopeful. So be it. I reckon my adieu not as my mistake, but those people's faux pas.

Apparently if there's anyone from AMSA reads this post, I will be a cause celebre in their page 6. But we all know, you're nobody until you're talked about. So if anyone wants to bother volunteering themselves to make me somebody in their lives, it will be my joie de vivre.

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