Tuesday 10 January 2012

Spring 2012: What to Wear? How to Look?

Burberry Prorsum
Spring 2012
taken from: VOGUE

#4 Random

just tried this personality test, and honestly the result is totally unexpected. Though, I think it's not wrong for some reasons.
Congratulations! Here are your results

You're a Trendsetter

Modern in your thinking and fun loving in your outlook on life, you are on the pulse of what's hot and you are not afraid to push the boundaries in the name of style and creativity. Moving forward with the times is what's important to you.
Lively and confident, you're someone who likes to make a big splash. You understand that first impressions count and that you won't always get a second chance in life. You've got great taste and strive to be one step ahead of the crowd. You've got a reputation for being in the know. The key is to allow yourself to appreciate life's journey while keeping your eye on the prize.
You've a great sense of adventure and

Tuesday 3 January 2012


Uhm,what's with the title? My own nickname? Yea! That's true, readers. It's exactly what I've been addressed since I was born. Wait, no, not since I was born; but since the third day after I was born (I was nameless for about 3 days, waiting my dad to name that little baby).

before went to bed last night, just googled the meaning of my nickname "Dio".
  1. "Dio" is Italian word for "God".
  2. Cassius Dio or Dio Cassius (Δίων ὁ Κάσσιος) was a Roman Consul and a noted historian writing in Greek. He published a history of Rome in 80 volumes.
  3. Dio Chrysostom (Δίων Χρυσόστομος ), Dion of Prusa or Dio Cocceianus, was a greek orator, philosopher, writer, historian of a roman empire in the 1st century.
  4. Dio of Alexandria was an academic philosopher who lived in 1st century BC, was sent by his fellow-citizens as ambassador to Rome, to complain about the conduct of their king, Ptolemy XII Auletes.
  5. "Dio" is the poetic name of Goddess Demeter (One of the 12 Olympians), the Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons. Some sources also mentioned that Demeter used the name "Dio" when She took the form of an old woman in her searching for Persephone in Eleusis (other sources said the name was "Doso"), where She received hospitabilty by the King there.

Monday 2 January 2012

Draft Resolution of 2012

  1. No killing animals, including any kind of insects
  2. Less telling lies, and be more honest to own self
  3. Be more vegetarian, including less instant noodles
  4. Drink milk regularly, and have more enough sleep
  5. Keep the room clean before mom gives command to clean it
  6. Be a little diligent; at least manage to keep the assignments & marks safe, including no procrastinating
  7. More meditation
  8. More debate practice, more competition, more UPDATING THIS BLOG, more reading literatures
  9. Get a new FASHION for 2012, and have a little bit "hairstyle" with BANGS
  10. Put the lotion and cream on regularly, no laziness for the least body treatment I can do
  11. Be more in time, at least 30 minutes before the appointed time
  12. Be more considerate towards people's feelings
That's all, ladies and gentlemen. 12 Resolutions for 2012.
Happy New Year.
May Happiness, Prosperity, and Love be our friends for Eternity (Bliss, General Assembly JMUN 2011).