Thursday 19 August 2010

(One of) Assignment of UNS OSPEK

My Wish

I now study in Faculty of Medicine in UNS (University of Sebelas Maret). As it is, of course there are things I really expect to happen in the future.

First of all, I hope Faculty of Medicine of UNS can provide me stuffs I need for my study. And then, through my presence in UNS, I wish in the future the faculty itself can be one of the best and most popular Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia. Moreover, I also have some expectations about my social life there. I hope I can be friends with so many people there, especially to make best friends.

For my personal hope, I wish I can improve my skills in academic and non-academic matters. I want to become somebody through my study in Faculty of Medicine in UNS, so that I can be someone useful one day for others. I also hope I can socialize there very well since truthfully, I’m such a shy person. I wish I can actualize myself in Faculty of Medicine in UNS. Thus, one day I can be a good doctor as what I’ve dreamt.

Last but not least, I hope all things may happen start from now can give some good impacts for my lovely country, Indonesia. I hope in the future Indonesia can be one of the most prospereous countries in the world that the people live peacefully

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