Thursday 2 May 2013

煙花易冷 / Yānhuā yì lěng


Fan Hua Sheng Dun Ru Kong Men Zhe Sha Le Shi Ren
Meng Pian Leng Zhan Zhuan Yi Sheng Qing Zhai You Ji Ben
Ru Ni Mo Ren Sheng Si Ku Deng
Ku Deng Yi Quan You Yi Quan De Nian Lun

Fu Tu Ta Duan Le Ji Ceng Duan Le Shui De Hun
Tong Zhi Ben Yi Zhan Can Deng Qing Ta De Shan Men
Rong Wo Zai Deng Li Shi Zhuan Shen
Deng Jiu Xiang Chun Deng Ni Dan Yi Qu Gu Zheng

Yu Fen Fen Jiu Gu Li Cao Mu Shen
Wo Ting Wen Ni Shi Zhong Yi Ge Ren
Ban Bo De Cheng Men Pan Ju Zhe Lao Shu Gen
Shi Ban Shang Hui Dang De Shi Zai Deng

Yu Fen Fen Jiu Gu Li Cao Mu Shen
Wo Ting Wen Ni Reng Shou Zhe Gu Cheng
Cheng Jiao Mu Di Sheng Luo Zai Na Zuo Ye Cun
Yuan Fen Luo Di Sheng Gen Shi Wo Men

Ting Qing Chun Ying Lai Xiao Sheng Xian Sha Xu Duo Ren
Na Shi Ce Wen Rou Bu Ken Xia Bi Dou Tai Hen
Yan Hua Yi Leng Ren Shi Yi Fen
Er Ni Zai Wen Wo Shi Fou Hai Ren Zhen

Qian Nian Hou Lei Shi Qing Shen Hai You Shui Zai Deng
Er Qing Shi Qi Neng Bu Zhen Wei Shu Luo Yang Cheng
Ru Ni Zai Gen Qian Shi Guo Men
Gen Zhe Hong Chen Gen Sui Wo Lang Ji Yi Sheng
Yu Fen Fen Jiu Gu Li Cao Mu Shen
Wo Ting Wen Ni Shi Zhong Yi Ge Ren
Ban Bo De Cheng Men Pan Ju Zhe Lao Shu Gen
Shi Ban Shang Hui Dang De Shi Zai Deng

Yu Fen Fen Yu Fen Fen Jiu Gu Li Cao Men Shen
Wo Ting Wen Wo Ting Wen Ni Reng Shou Zhe Gu Cheng
Cheng Jiao Mu Di Sheng Luo Zai Na Zuo Ye Cun
Yuan Fen Luo Di Sheng Gen Shi Wo Men
Yuan Fen Luo Di Sheng Gen Shi Wo Men
Qie Lan Si Ting Yu Sheng Pan Yong Heng

Hanzi and English Translation

繁华声 遁入空门 折煞了世人
The sound of bustling prosperity (refering to fireworks) sneaks its way into a monastery
making it impossible for a layman monk to concentrate on meditation.
梦偏冷 辗转一生 情债又几本
In dreams I feel chilly and desolate, After an entire life's twists and turns, love debts accumulate into several books.
如你默认 生死枯等
If you are silently resigned to waiting
枯等一圈 又一圈的 年轮
A withered wait, cycle, after another of year's wheel (age).
浮图塔 断了几层 断了谁的魂
The floating pagoda is broken on several levels, broken also is whose soul?
痛直奔 一盏残灯 倾塌的山门
Anguished, (I) pressed forward, a fatalistic dying lantern flame, a dilapidated temple door.
容我再等 历史转身
(But) allow me to wait/linger (a while), (perhaps) history will turn back (and let me relive it).
等酒香醇 等你弹 一曲古筝
Waiting for the fragrant mellow wine, waiting for you to play a tune in guzhen (chinese zitar, instrument)./ I might relive the moment and smell the fragrance of the mellow wine and listen to you playing the guzhen.
As the rain drizzle steadily, (I returned to) an old/ forsaken courtyard now overgrown with grass and shrubs.
我听闻 你始终一个人
I heard rumors/ news that you are still, and have always been, one and alone.
斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
Beside the mottled city gate, sits an old tree (that signify the love we had).
石板上回荡的是 再等
The slab of stone that echoes (the words) still wait/ waiting.
雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
As the rain drizzle steadily, (I returned to) an old/ forsaken courtyard now overgrown with grass and shrubs.
我听闻 你仍守着孤城
I heard news/ rumors that you defend/ stay faithful by a lonely town.
城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
The sound of flute from outskirt of town drifts onto a bleak and desolated village.
缘份落地生根是 我们
Fate that taken root is us. (Our love)./ The sound of flute plays a tune that is our love.
听青春 迎来笑声 羡煞许多人
Listen to the sound of youth, it brings laughter and envy of many./ Remembering my youth, I see laughter enough to make many envious.
那史册 温柔不肯 下笔都太很
But history doesn't record tenderness, and pen only with heavy hand./ But history doesn't regard romance but treats it with trivial flippancy.
烟花易冷 人事易分
After the fleeting fireworks (when the sky returns to quiet tranquility),
而你在问 我是否还 认真
Still you questioned if I was still serious (about our relationship).
千年后 累世情深 还有谁在等
When the thousands of years past, after the love deepens, who will still be waiting.
而青史 岂能不真 魏书洛阳城
But history cannot be refuted, the book of souls have descended to the city of the sun. (literal. Abstract).
如你在跟 前世过门
If you are following, the doorway of past life,
跟着红尘 跟随我 浪迹一生
Following to the world of mortals, following me, drifting through life.
伽蓝寺听雨声盼 永恒
I lingered at the temple listening to the rain pouring, for eternity.

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