Sunday 27 July 2014

Remnants of Sin from One-Two Options

In 1Q84, one of Haruki Murakami's artwork of writing, there was this character namely Aomame who believed that our body was sacred and thus she revered hers very carefully; she said that human's body was a temple.

By the same logic, I suppose the behaviour performed by these bodies of people's is to be taken not lightly either, especially when the required action is not at all around physical rumble. One or Two, all needed to do was to pick one of either, silently and solemnly.

However, it turns out that hatred has become our pop-culture since the beginning. Believing firmly to be standing on the right side, the other side is judged to be wrong. Believing that One represents unity, Two is blamed on for the disassembly. Our view of world has been so much narrowed and blocked, despite knowing our sight-cells not only rod-cells but also cone-cells.

"What is not white is not always black."

The phenomenon of presidential election 2014 of Indonesia, the way how I see it, is already out of democratic propriety; it is badmouthing and humiliation. It doesn't respect the candidates' dignity as human being. The medias throw irresponsible news, and the people throw flaming statements, both have provoked the state of mind from tranquility to anger.

This post, after all, is not talking about those who academically analyze the candidates' programmes and performance in the debate, but talking about those who blindly keep pushing the both candidates to the corner of shame, neglecting their willingness of bringing this nation to the prosperous state as drawn in dreams of each.

One is victimized by exposing him as criminal against human right, as a murderer from the past that hasn't yet been clarified his cleanliness. Of course any crime against humanity, against life of humankind cannot and must not be tolerated, it cannot be justified anyhow, but people seem to forget and seem not to want to open their eyes to see how complicated it is to be part of military. Not only they don't have right to vote in presidential election, they don't even have right to have different view of what's right and what's wrong from their authority. They are obliged to do whatever it takes to save nation although it means sacrificing themselves and ignoring the existence of their family members, forgetting about how the family members still need their presence.

Whether he is truly guilty or not, the accusation is never in our hands. Indeed he has never clarified it himself by attending the trial, but what kind of result can he expect? He may have murdered, or ordered certain action of murder, and no matter what of his excuse, he is never going to be pardoned for the lives taken. That's just how trial will work, and no matter how much of us outside military organization try to see it, we can never truly understand how it is to be there on his position.

Now that even the court has not yet clearly accused him as a criminal, who are we to judge and keep telling him that he is a murderer? Even being cruel there should be a limit to it.

Out nation's past was not easy and was complicated, just like any other nations' were. Many of our national heroes also had to kill certain number of people to liberate our people from oppression. Should he be one day finally accused for what he did, be it, but now it is yet to decide.

Past is not enough as an instrument to kill one's image, then the personal life is also blown up. Having been divorced and become single up until now, our society look at him as a failure to build and take care of family. I myself don't really get how this point would relate to him being a president of a country. Both are different things, and divorce doesn't always mean failure.

Now Two, who is victimized by mostly many of defamation. His parents and He were libeled as non-Muslims, he is libeled as a communist, libeled as ethnically minority, libeled as merely a liar for his modest image, many more of libel attacked on him.

Problem with such defamation is, not only that those aren't right, but also it reflects on what level our society perform discriminatory action towards inevitable diversity in our country. Moreover, on the layer of Communism, most of Indonesians don't seem to understand what Communism is actually all about (which they believe Communism is the same as imposing Atheism on people). For being so much uneducated about political theory but then screaming as if knowing much, I don't know how to feel any more sorry for them.

The defamation shows that our majority implicitly (or perhaps explicitly already?) say that being non-Muslim is wrong, and being born as certain ethnicity is wrong. What kind of moral consciousness is this? Have we become on the same level as God to bestow either Heaven or Hell upon people, judging them to be wrong just because of their religion and ethnic they're born in?

Nevertheless, all of the works of Two that has he been accomplishing, as if they never had happened, the cons of him dare to say that they all were failure, although they themselves see and hear the result. Once again, Denial is not just a river in Egypt, eh? Just because someone is not perfect, doesn't mean he is a failure, does it?

What I (may presumptively) believe is, be it that One becomes the President, I believe those who kill will still be taken to the trial and sent to jail, or be it that Two becomes the President, I believe our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters will still be able to perform their prayers without disturbance or any prohibition. What I don't get at all, why have our people exaggerated the case of One and the defamation of Two that they feel threatened for anything according to their daydreaming to happen?

I don't see how reason of 'precaution' can excuse us to refuse sinners by committing sins ourselves. We argue it's for the better nation should we have good leader, but isn't a nation always about its people? What's good leader without good people after all?

What's there to learn is polite manner in conveying our opinions. It might've been a lot better if we had criticized the candidates objectively and without ill-will of mockery. Anyhow, we have the result already as this writing is posted. We must respect the result, and move on to the future looking for hope in midst of our mistakes we did in the past. That's the only way we can reach the betterment for the nation we live.

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