Some people, however, said that the 1st movie is much better and funnier than the 2nd movie. I don't know whether or not it's true, but I think the 2nd movie is still a good film and quite funny.
Moreover, I'm very jealous with the bond of friendship the main characters possessed. I can say that it's very strong and it seemed they had each other as best friends. I don't mean that I don't have any like that but I just wonder if the bond of friendship my best friends and I have can last as strong as they had and can be like as forever as it seemed in the film. It's just so beyond my knowing and unpredictable, because I know that time can change everything and am very afraid of it.
I also like the way the film showed us how glamorous the ladies were. They're so fashionable, stylish and looking very sparkle. I love that it's looking fabulous and luxury from their dresses and lifestyle. It's just so dreamy.
There are so many my favorite scenes in the film, espcially because they were very funny. One of funny scenes for me is when Samantha wore the same dress as Miley Cyrus wore when they were on the red carpet. For me, that part really made Samantha nervous and really it's such a humiliation one for Samantha. (hahaha). I would be very speechless if I were Samantha.
Next one is about Abu Dhabi. It looked so awesome. I really dream to have a trip there now. However, it must be very expensive, though. *sigh*
From the movie:

Not from the movie:
There were also some conflicts such as about love and relationship the ladies had that also became problem in their life. Jealousy, clashes between couple, honesty, and many more gave many different colors to their life. I really think that the story was very realistic and it resembled life's problems of anyone. I felt that it was a touchy story. The ladies somehow managed to fight for their life. They, no matter how big the problems were, kept being as strong as possible to face the problems. It teaches us that although problems in life always make us hurt and sad, but at last we can be stronger and better person after experiencing it. All we need is to think positive and be patient. Though the price of it is very painful at the first, but it will be developing ourselves to be a better person in living life, and it's really beautiful.
This inspiring story somehow becomes very precious for me. I want to have a forever friendship. I want to experience how much sweet and bitter love is. I want to see many beautiful things in life I haven't reached yet, but when I succeed to continue my journey after facing problem by problem. I want to be the stronger and the better me. I know it's all not easy, but I know I don't have to hesitate or runaway from them. Just be patient and think positive, so I can solve every single problem in life. I will really be looking forward to the future me. Nothing is to be afraid of. Problem is just part of life, and even it's a problem as long as we see it as problem. When we see problem as something usual and common, it's no more than just a daily activity.
Overall, it's a great and inspiring movie. It has a very big and deep meaning.
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