Sunday, 21 August 2016

Tentang Dia dan Secangkir Kopinya

Blog post ini dibuat dalam rangka mengikuti Kompetisi Menulis Cerpen #MyCupOfStory Diselenggarakan oleh GIORDANO dan

Sore menjelang malam itu aku diundang makan di sebuah restoran oleh kenalanku yang berulang tahun. Tidak banyak yang dia undang, hanya 6 orang termasuk dirinya. Dia tidak memiliki banyak teman dan kenalan sehingga untuk sebuah makan malam ulang tahun jumlah 6 orang itu termasuk sedikit. Bahkan aku baru berkenalan dengannya 2 hari yang lalu. Seandainya aku menolak berarti hanya ada 5 orang yang hadir di acara itu.

Di acara makan itu, hanya ada dua orang yang sudah aku kenal, yang berulang tahun dan temanku yang dua hari sebelumnya mengenalkan aku pada yang berulang tahun. Tiga orang lagi aku baru saja berkenalan dengan mereka pada saat itu. Salah satu di antara mereka adalah seorang yang akan aku ceritakan dalam kisah ini, yang membuatku tertarik pada pertemuan pertama sehingga kami berkenalan lebih jauh setelahnya.

Monday, 15 August 2016

After 'Suicide Squad', Here's What To Expect From 'Justice League'

This piece was also published by The Jakarta Post

Following the epic fail of “Martha” in Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeSuicide Squad does not escape a lot of bad reviews either. Many say that the storyline is too boring and underdeveloped, glorifies Deadshot too much, sexualizes Harley Quinn and is more like a zombie-apocalypse movie.

A friend of mine, who is a big fan of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), said that the big mistake in assessing the quality of DC movies was most people expect them to be bright and exciting stories. A real fan knows best that DC’s style is about dark twisted stories and they are sometimes rather monotonous because of too much talk. Moreover, according to him, we should compare them to their animated versions, instead of to Marvel’s movies.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Movie Review: Despite The Bad Reviews, ‘Suicide Squad’ Is Ironically Good

DC movies are somehow well-known for bad reviews, especially because most people always compare them to Marvel movies. For real fans of DC, however, they probably will beg to differ. DC is unlike Marvel that presents high-spirited combat with fascinating problems and funky life stories. Instead, it chooses to package its characters with dark and philosophically twisted backgrounds.

The bad reviews aren’t exception even for the latest movie, Suicide Squad. Many say that the story is too simplistic and underdeveloped, only focused on Deadshot, sexualizing Harley Quinn, and more like a zombie-apocalypse movie. I get why those points reason the bad reviews, but I believe Suicide Squad is about the anti-heroes and anti-heroines defeating evil, so probably we can try to evaluate some good in the bad.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Lelaki Kardus and Ugly Truth of Parenting for Children

About one month ago, many Indonesians have been surprised to find out that there was a music video titled “Lelaki Kardus” (Cardboard Man) sung by a little girl. The lyrics are totally not children-friendly. National Commission for Children Protection (KPAI) has been protesting against the distribution of the song in internet and asked Youtube for the music video to be removed.

According to an interview, the song lyrics are based on true story. They were written by the stepfather of the girl singing the song in the music video, and her mother said it was okay for her daughter to sing it because it’s based on true event. The girl, though, is now fifteen because the music video was made a couple of years ago.