Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Artificial Intelligence, When Fiction Comes True

After many years, Skynet was successfully defeated a couple of weeks ago. It was a long struggle for humanity to finally be set free from fear of terror and threat of extinction. If only not because of the post-credits scene that Genysis was still alive, it might have ended our story of Terminator that was started in 1984.

Fortunately for us, Terminator is just a fiction. Instead of being chased after by the humanoid slaves belong to Skynet, we enjoy the war as an entertainment. I never watch the TV Series, but the 5 movies have always got me curious about the possible existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and what outcome it would possibly cause in reality.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Gender Equality in Spirituality; The Revival of Female Monks in Indonesian Theravada Buddhism

In many aspects of life, the division between men and women occurs not only in social role, but also in spirituality. Certain paradigm of what women should be and do that they cannot be in equal position with men deters women to participate in religious attainment.

Since more than two thousand years ago, the tradition of having Bhikkhuni (Female Monk) in Theravada sect has disappeared. After the death of King Ashoka, many monks were chased after and then killed because Buddhism no longer was protected by the King in charge.

While the Monks escaped to jungle, the nuns stayed in the city due to the Vinaya (Buddhist Monastic rules) that mentioned Bhikkhuni could not stay in jungle. This Vinaya was imposed by Buddha Gautama because of the raping cases towards Bhikkhuni living in jungle. In the city, however, the Bhikkhuni could not escape the massacre.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Lebaran and Reconciliation

Author: Liswindio Apendicaesar

Ramadhan is about to end, which means Idul Fitri (Eid Mubarak) or Lebaran is coming to town. People will be celebrating by eating various dishes like ketupat, rendang (beef curry) and opor (coconut milk beef or chicken gravy), in addition to many cookies and snacks. Apart from risking high cholesterol and blood sugar, we exchange apologies and forgiveness. We embrace or shake hands with husband or wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, employers and employees, old and new friends and even sometimes with strangers.

Annually, I always wonder why we do this and what difference in life it will bring just by simply saying “Please forgive me” and then replying “Yes, please forgive me too” to each other, without even knowing what your mistake exactly is.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Not All Parents Are Good, Neither Are Mine

You may have nice family, kindhearted parents, lovely childhood, and all environment that has shaped your mental and personality into the healthy person. Everything in your life is so perfect when it comes to family, and you truly love your parents. You idolize them, you miss them, and you want to be like them.

You know what? Not everyone is like you. Not everyone is lucky enough to have such lovely family and great parents.

I don’t know how it feels to have such beautiful family, but I know what you may not know.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Menyambut ASEAN Economic Community

Author: Liswindio Apendicaesar

Sebagaimana yang telah disepakati pada ASEAN summit di Bali pada Oktober 2003, akhir tahun 2015 ini program ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) akan mulai dilaksanakan. Ada banyak situasi baru dalam hal perekonomian yang ditawarkan melalui AEC, misalnya perdagangan bebas barang-barang antar negara di ASEAN, jasa pelayanan, dan tenaga kerja.

Marriage Matters, and Thus We Need Equality

Originally published in: Jakarta Post July 4, 2015, Opinion Column Page 7
Author: Liswindio Apendicaesar

The United States of America recently followed Mexico to become the 22nd country to legalize same-sex marriage, on June 3, 2015.

As the world’s most influential country, the American judicial decision to legalize gay marriage has attracted a good deal of attention.

The decision represents significant progress in how people perceive and respond to differences in society. It is proof of acceptance and respect for humanity.