Thursday, 18 February 2016

Why I Choose Not To Believe

(This is originally my post titled "The Life Battle of Our Own, and Mine Especially", but then has been sent to Magdalene with some revision, and got edited and published)

original publication in Magdalene: Why I Choose Not To Believe

I’ve seen many of my friends or acquaintances put up fights against some gross injustices that oppress them or things that are important to them. They defend the rights of homosexuals, or advocate equal rights for women, or champion vegetarianism and ethical treatment of animals. They bravely speak up in public space against an unjust government, or fight for interracial and interfaith marriage. Each of them rumbles against society, against a world that imposes unjust values on their lives.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Gravitational Wave: Its Philosophical Value and Our Civilization

In case you still haven't got it, please be informed well that lately human race has finally discovered gravitational waves, a phenomenon 100 years ago was hypothesized by a great scientist, Albert Einstein. Gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of space-time which propagate as wave transporting energy as gravitational radiation. They cause matters distorted following the distortion in space-time because of the radiation.

Just watch the video below if up until now you still can't comprehend what in universe the gravitational wave is.