Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Divine Forgiveness In The Eyes of Karma

Becoming a non-perfect human being, performing mistake after mistake, and presenting vulnerable traits, we are seemingly bound to commit sins and various crimes. We may not be red-handed for doing so, but the guilt and the imprint of the deeds remain, carved in our memories that regulate conscience. When the destined time comes upon us, we fall into the abyss of regret and impossible wish to turn back time.

This is where exactly religion plays its role. Beside begging for material possession, there is another form of prayer that people usually do: asking for forgiveness. By gaining the thought of being forgiven by the Supreme Being, people possess the sense of security and thus peace. Not to mention what is the purpose of prayer if it's not for self-salvation?

Thursday, 4 December 2014

We Come Alone, We Leave Alone

The time we were created after the fertilization, we were one single cell. Trying to survive from the loneliness, the tiny little cell then multiplied into many, hoping it would have a company. Unfortunately, things never work the way we wish them to be, so instead of having friends, the myriad cells formed one single being called human, in our case. Once again, the single entity feels lonely.

The human cries right after the birth. They biologists say, it's physiologically because the baby is shocked to be exposed to the cold temperature outside the womb; anyhow, the cry is a good sign because it means the initially collapsed lung can work properly after the birth. But maybe, the cry is also a sign of the sorrow that a human will start: the cold lonely path in life.